The first thing we do is sit down with you and go through your three credit reports. We conduct a thorough review – examining line-by-line, noting issues and putting together a detailed list. At the end of this exercise, we’ll have a solid understanding of your situation.
Credit issues can be scary, but if you have an industry expert on your side, you won’t have to worry. When it comes to restoring credit, consumer laws are our allies. We leverage FCRA, HIPAA, FDCPA, and many other laws to get inaccurate and unverified items removed from your credit report. We spot derogatory accounts, questionable items, and a lot more.
Once we’ve assembled a list of issues, we send our investigations to the credit agencies. The credit agencies will send their responses directly to you – giving you instant access to the results. If the challenged items are not corrected we keep pushing to get you the most relief possible.
For most of our clients, having their credit restored is just a necessary step to reaching their end-goal; getting a loan. Many have been denied a home loan, are looking to buy a new or pre-owned car or want to give their business a boost. At Sperity, we work together with our lending partners to get your loan approved.
We start our process with investigations to Experian, Trans Union, and Equifax. Expect a response from them in the mail within 30-45 days.
Know someone who needs credit help? Have a client that isn’t eligible for a loan?
1509 Mercury Circle Mckinney, TX 75071
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